The Paris Peace Forum is a huge annual forum held in November every year, in which thousands of heads of state participate, preparing a platform for dialogue and coordination of efforts to support the goals of sustainable development, foremost of which is building peaceful proved to be an important encounter for peacebuilders and development professionals from around the world with the participation of delegations from 140 countries, including 33 head of states, 7000 participants, 114 presented projects, and vibrant 80 panels.
Andrius Becys and Henry Oriokot are members of advisory committee of International Alliance for Peace and Development participated in Paris Peace Forum
In the Paris Peace Forum, GoalHUb was represented by its project lead Andrius Becys, technical lead Andrius Bartminas, and regional coordinator for Africa Henry Oriokot. This created a unique opportunity to tackle different topics with people visiting the stand. GoalHub is also thrilled to announce the start of collaborations to implementation its 1st pilot project in Africa.