International Alliance for pace and development held photo contest about Peacemakers in Athens, Greece

The International Alliance for peace and development (IAPD) organized a photo contest on peacemaking, on 27 October 2019  under the theme “PEACEMAKERS: through Your World I see mine, in Athens, Greece, in collaboration with an international network of NGOs. The goal of this initiative was to tackle xenophobia and promote peace and unity among people.

This event witnessed heavy turnout from various nationalities , 60 young people participated in this event  from ( Italy – Spain- Greece -Croatia -Romania -Lithuania-Bulgaria), and they shared experience and presented their stories on building  peace ,and all participants emphasized that the importance of the role of youth ,women and civil society organizations in spreading the culture of peace among citizens and end war all over the world.

Ms. Mennattallah Abdelraouf, Senior Researcher in the International HR Mechanisms Department, and representative of IAPD delivered her opening speech declaring that we are amazed by young people’s inspiration when they deal with important issues which affect their lives. The exhibition was the outcome and the last phase of a photo contest open to any youngster all over the globe with the objective to raise awareness on the need to take action for the promotion of peace worldwide. Youngsters were invited to capture inside a photo the message for peace they wanted to send to the world
The organizers are really proud of the result. Visitors went around the exhibition admiring and discussing, creating mottos and short stories about the content of the photos and opening up to new ideas about what action to take to make the world better.
This is first attempt to promote peace and raise awareness through art. International Alliance will continue to work hard towards this direction.The same photos will be exposed in Geneva in front of the broken Chair in a peaceful intervention of IAPD in front of the United Nations.

This event comes into the framework of International Peace for Alliance and Development work which always supports the activities which can make the peace more speared and mobilize youth efforts an build their capacities to enable dialogue among each other’s and policy makers around the world , IAPD calls from all people to promote and respect the peace

This project can you find on the platform ” Time to Move”

Time to Move is a collection of events for young people organised during October. These activities will introduce you to the hundreds of possibilities through which you can go abroad and take part in an international project, explore Europe or gain experience you need for your future. All the activities are run by Eurodesk information experts, always ready to have a discussion and help you find the international project most suitable for your needs. Volunteering in another country for a few months? School exchange for a semester? Internships abroad? We have you covered.


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