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In the International Day of Peace.. The sound of bullets is still loud

In the International Day of Peace.. The sound of bullets is still loud


On the anniversary of the International Day of Peace, and despite all the paid efforts in order to achieve it globally, the cries of innocent people are still rising, the voices of bullets grow louder, and the voice of the guns has not yet diminished. Therefrom, the International Alliance for Peace and Development calls on the international community to pay more efforts to promote more sustainable peace and security.

On the background that the UN system emerged on the debris of World War II, for the purpose of spreading sustainable peace, as well as the necessary security for everyone; these effort thereof were always lacking sustainability and continuity.  In this context, the International Alliance for Peace and Development believes that the United Nations system needs to actively face the threats of peace and security and to abandon the empty slogans that fuel the roots of extremism, fanaticism and hatred.

There is no doubt that the arming race between nations, the amount of money spent annually to support armaments, and the illicit proliferation of weapons to terrorist and extremist groups, indicate the decline of the peace culture. Moreover, it makes it crystal clear that what is really spreading around the world is the fear of war, instead of the desire for peace.

Therefore, the International Alliance for Peace and Development calls for the need to activate the Charter of the United Nations, chapter V, which is discussing of the powers of the Security Council, and chapter VI on the peaceful resolution of disputes and chapter VII on actions taken in situations of threat, breach of peace and aggression.

The International Alliance for Peace and Development also calls for the necessity for NGOs around the world to join forces, as they are the closest to societies in order to spread the culture of nonviolence and strengthen the mechanisms of peace. It also calls for the urge to find a sustainable clause within the international conventions and mechanisms preventing those who are the continuation of wars and destruction is in their interest. Moreover, it calls on the UN system to find stable, sustainable, and growing financial resources to serve international peace and security.

It is worth noting that, the International Alliance for Peace and Development is currently participating in the Geneva peace talks, which will be held for its sixth session at UN headquarters in Geneva under the theme “Peace without Borders”, aiming at encouraging working together in order to generate common understandings and solutions on serious peace.

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